What is Butt Wink?
Welcome to Raise The Dead's first ever blog post! The goal of this blog is to better educate and dare I say entertain our audience on all things powerlifting and fitness! To start us off we are going to ask the burning question that I know you've all been dying to know: What is butt wink? Yes, it's a real thing. No, I did not make it up... but it is fun to say!
Butt wink is a deficiency in an athlete's squat technique that leads to posterior pelvic tilt at the bottom of the squat. This tilt takes emphasis off the legs and instead engages muscles not intended to do the heavy lifting in a squat i.e. it loads the back. Overall, butt wink takes a lifter out of ideal positioning in the squat and leads to suboptimal outer quad and glute engagement due to limited mobility or lack of strength.
Some impactful mobility exercises that can alleviate butt wink are the frog stretch and a basic calve stretch. The frog stretch helps to open the hips and the calve stretch helps in knee placement and ankle mobility. Check out our instagram @raisethedeadco for an upcoming video demoing these two mobility exercises!